You have perhaps managed to squeeze out time from your busy work schedule and intend to travel to Mussoorie. The hill station is just ideal for a short trip from Delhi and we would like to say that just arrange for your accommodation, travel plans prior to setting of. It is here we would like to say that for your accommodation, one could book a Delhi to Mussoorie taxi with this one top vehicle hire operative. The taxi hire is the best option these days if you intend to visit this hill station close to Delhi. There are buses running in this route but that should never be your option if you are looking for comfortable travel. You are sure to face plenty of hiccups on a bus journey and it just could spoil the fun. On the contrary the vehicle hire operative offers you luxury four wheeler travel to Mussoorie. You are bound to enjoy such a situation.
Delhi to Mussoorie distance by road is 282 km (miles based distance 194.3 miles) and takes approximate travel time around 6 hours 40 min via NH334. Mussoorie, situated around 35km from Dehradun on the foothills of the Himalayas, is one of India’s most attractive hill stations in India with a cool pleasant climate throughout the year. Tourists often take a trip from Delhi to Mussoorie to relax in the beauty of a destination famous for its views and waterfalls. The travel between Delhi to Mussorie distance is well-connected, with a convenient and comfortable driveway.
As a Delhi resident the pollution levels will surely cause you worries and the occasional trip to Mussoorie is always like a breath of fresh air. Now, if you intend to undertake a short holiday, the travel options were certainly a cause of concern all this while. The reason is because the public transport on this route is just not up to the mark. This is just where we at Tajcabs have stepped into the scenario and certainly made the difference. We offer luxury travel on this route and our latest offers have aroused significant interest amongst holiday seekers. We have looked to offer taxi travel on this route and this just allows you to travel in a world of your own. A taxi can always be compared to a private car in many ways. Once you book a taxi for certain duration, it is your vehicle and you can enjoy a cosy travel with complete privacy.